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    Insurance / CTP Claims

    Was the accident, injury or death caused or contributed to by alcohol or drugs? Accidents on the roads, in the workplace or in a public or private space; IFC can help with correlating circumstances with evidence, interpreting test results and recommending additional tests if required.
    • Determine if alcohol or other drugs contributed to the motor vehicle accident or a workplace accident: Did an employee’s pain or anxiety medication contribute to the error and injury?
    • Was the driver above or below 0.15% at the time of the incident?
    • Should the passenger have known the driver was unable to drive safely? 
    • Evaluate medical and prescription records to assess likely toxicity of drug(s): Is it possible that an employee’s depression medication will increase the risk of a workplace accident?
    • Determine if drugs or drug combinations contributed to the incident precipitating the insurance claim: Was the incident caused by a decreased sense of care and caution, a result of a lunch time glass of wine?
    • Critique the report or claims of another Expert (e.g. in one case drugs were administed by medical professionals after the incident yet it was suggested they contributed to the accident)

    IFC are happy to address any of these questions or any others you may have and routinely provide advice and reports addressing all issues relating to Insurance and CTP claims.

    A quick phone call or brief consultation can help you determine the role of drugs in your matter.

    Contact us for more information

    Click here to read our recent Newsletter for Insurance / CTP practitioners

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      For any inquiries, please call: 1300 391 564 or fill out our online form.

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